Sportsbet – betting or entertainment? is an Australian betting agency, however on closer inspection, particularly at their Facebook page and their ‘About Us’ section on their website, they also market themselves as an ‘entertainment’ website.sportsbet

A close look at Sportsbet’s social media accounts shows that they almost never post anything to do with betting, but instead they post variable content, mostly humorous posts related to sports, sports news, or polling people on who will win upcoming sports events. This is an interesting ploy, but also an effective one. Their product is aimed at people using computers, tablets and phones to bets, and generally these consumers are males in the 18-34 age bracket. However, their chosen digital marketing strategy: the use of memes and funny videos in relation to sports, catches the eye of younger people. If people under the age of 18 were to stumble across Sportsbet’s Facebook account, or Instagram account, or Twitter account, they may struggle to realize any of them have anything to do with betting.

This allows Sportsbet to create a link between them and entertainment in the minds of young people, who may grow up and begin to link entertainment with betting. Sportsbet is essentially gaining new customers, without the customers even realizing that they are being drawn into the betting world.

clarkoMany people are ‘liking’ or ‘following’ the Sportsbet social media accounts, with many of them initially looking for a laugh. Sportsbet has used this notion in creating their television advertisements, which tend to be humorous, but push the betting side of their business more explicitly than they do so online. What this culminates in is people going to Sportsbet social media looking for a laugh, and then possibly signing up to Sportsbet, and beginning to place bets.

Sportsbet boasts over 600,000 likes and followers combined across their social media accounts, and with the content they post, this number is sure to rise. With this rise in exposure, they will also undoubtedly see an influx of new customers.

Yes this strategy seems a little deceptive, however, we can’t say it isn’t effective!

7 thoughts on “Sportsbet – betting or entertainment?

  1. Great pick up on the way Sportsbet uses humour to engage younger consumers, particularly men. Definitely helps raise brand awareness, similar to the entertaining carlton draught ads – not sure how much it improves business, but certainly catches the eye!


    1. A lot of the humour is directed at sports fans, I guess the aim is to possibly get some of those sports fans putting a cheeky bet on. Some of the ads tend to incorporate some form of promotion too.


  2. Sportsbet have been so clever in engaging people via their social media accounts. It has definitely increased their brand awareness and the way that they engage up with customers


  3. They’re targeting their desired audience with content they already enjoy so they have a great strategy it seems 🙂


  4. Betting is certainly a touchy topic and im sure the marketing teams at these companies need to work very closely with the legal departments! Betting traditionally is entertainment – but so is drinking – unfortunately there’s a dark side to both! I have to commend betting companies on their constant innovation and product development, very clever


  5. Sportsbet social media are sometimes hilarious! I agree, they are able to connect to those who understand sport and can connect with their social media meme and then those who have no idea what it is but can just have a laugh and then associate entertainment with Sportsbet and thus betting.


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